Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How Japan's Biggest E-Commerce Company Plans To Take Over The World (AMZN, EBAY)

How Japan's Biggest E-Commerce Company Plans To Take Over The World (AMZN, EBAY)

Japan hasn't had a single Internet company breakout to become a global success story.
Hiroshi Mikitani, the CEO of e-commerce site Rakuten, is hoping to change that.
He's gone on a shopping spree in the last few years to make it happen. He bought Buy.com in the U.S. for $250 million, Play.com from the UK for $38 million, and e-reader company, Kobo for $315 million. (There are other acquisitions, but the company was particularly excited about these three.)
To make all of these acquisitions work, Rakuten is forcing all of its employees in Japan, and elsewhere around the world to speak English. The idea is that one common language will united the company as it tries to expand internationally. It calls the program "Englishnization".

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Daily Disruption – Amazon Kindle: Special Report on How to Self-Publish a Book on Amazon Kindle

Daily Disruption – Amazon Kindle: Special Report on How to Self-Publish a Book on Amazon Kindle
The marketing experts at Digital Marketing Labs have produced a Special Report to help people learn how to publish a book on Amazon Kindle.
“Partnering with Amazon: How to Give Amazon Permission to Sell Your Products to their Over 275 Million Registered Buyers” is the Special Report on how to publish a book on Amazon Kindle, and the Digital Marketing Labs have published an article about the benefits of the report.
The article said it guides people through the methods used to not only get self-published, but drive traffic to other affiliated websites and develop a stature of authority and recognition.
The capabilities of Kindles and other e-readers have yet to peak, so the article said now is the time to learn the procedure and start cashing in.  People are scooping up Kindles and other e-readers like crazy.  With titles available at a fraction of the price of a hardcover or paperback, e-books have even begun to outsell traditional print books on Amazon.com.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Amazon.com Is the Secular Short Of 2012

Amazon.com Is the Secular Short Of 2012: I believe the market is underestimating the deteriorating underlying business trends, the impact of the secular shift of physical media to digital media along with the competition risk from Apple and Google, and the weak positioning of Amazon’s hardware tablet strategy.

Uneconomic Revenue Goosed by Free Shipping Subsidization

The bull case for Amazon has always been it will continue to grow at rapid rates for the next 3-5 years and if you put some decent operating margin on the out year, you will get fantastic earnings power. However the problem with this argument is the wheels are starting to fall off the wagon.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Amazon Takes On Publishing… Then The World

Amazon is moving into the book publishing industry, hiring former Time Warner Publishing CEO Larry Kirshbaum to head its new venture.

Bloomberg Businessweek reporter Brad Stone says the publishing industry is running scared.

“I think they’re terrified,” Stone told Here & Now‘s Robin Young. “Amazon is their biggest customer… and they’ve been at Amazon’s mercy for quite some time,” said Stone.

Stone’s cover story on Amazon recounts the bad blood between Amazon and the big six publishers that goes back to the launch of the Kindle. At that point, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos announced that New York Times bestsellers would go for $9.99 on the Kindle. The news shocked the publishers, who felt it would force all book prices down.

Meanwhile, Amazon is also eying a brick and mortar Amazon store and possibly launching a Kindle phone.

This is part of a trend in the business world where companies are creating entire ecosystems to sell their products, spurred by Apple’s dominance of tablets and phones.

“You’re Jeff Bezos sitting in Seattle, or Mark Zuckerberg in Menlo Park and you’re seeing potentially Apple circumvent you, they’re owning the next generation of devices,” Stone said. “And so all these companies are just scampering to keep up.”

Amazon’s e-books and Apple’s iTunes stores are examples of ways that industries are cutting out the middle men.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Planet Amazing Announces New Amazon.com Store with New Environmentally Friendly Products

The EPA has given Planet Amazing a safe rating for consumers due to the non-toxic nature of Planet Amazing products.

Austin, TX (PRWEB) March 03, 2012

"Planet Amazing is proud to have released to the public some great new products this month," says Justin Douglas or Planet Amazing Environmentally Friendly Products. "We are happy to be improving the environment we live in while at the same time we are dealing with real problems such as bed bugs, fire ants, animal care, garden and lawn health, pet health and pet grooming."

Mr. Douglas says that Planet Amazing has been working with scientists for many years to develop, locate and test safe, organic and non-toxic solutions. "Most of our products have been tested with organic farms, farmers of all types, environmental scientists, and even the U.S Navy."

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2012/03/03/prweb9210778.DTL#ixzz1o9R4SIOA